Our Services

Case Management

A scalable and hands-on support service

"Corporate Guardians’ case management services provide as much or as little assistance as you need. We partner with an individual and/or their family to make sure they have access to services they need, that they are taking advantage of every benefit offered to them, and that they are safe and thriving in their environment. Corporate Guardians provides assistance navigating community services such as: Medicare, Medicaid, Family Care, IRIS, In-Home Care Agency selection, moves to supported settings, and more."

June's son has recently turned 18. She knows there are resources and help available for him because of his disabilities, but she doesn't know where to start. She also wants him to have more supports than just her.

Who can benefit from case management with CG?

  • Seniors and Elderly Individuals desiring independence but needing support.
  • Individuals with disabilities with gaps in their support network
  • Individuals transitioning into supported settings
  • Individuals who need assistance finding a place to live or applying for housing support.
  • Individuals requiring assistance with paying their bills or establishing a sustainable budget
  • Individuals with property or assets who need assistance securing and maintaining them
  • Individuals who need support but are over the asset limit for Medicaid benefits.

How CG can assist you

  • Community Service Navigation Assistance with navigating services like Medicaid, Family Care, and IRIS for comprehensive community support.
  • Advocacy Dedicated advocacy services to ensure your rights and needs are prioritized.
  • Supported Setting Moves Facilitation of moves to supported settings for an environment conducive to well-being.
  • Financial Management Expert assistance in organizing finances, establishing sustainable budgets, and managing bill payments.
  • Housing Application Support Guidance and support throughout the housing application process.
  • Property and Asset Protection Help in safeguarding your property and assets to ensure long-term security.
  • Property or Asset Sales Assistance Support in the process of selling property or assets when necessary.
  • Elderly Assistance Tailored services catering to the unique needs of elderly individuals.
  • Disability Support Comprehensive assistance for individuals with disabilities to enhance their quality of life

What you can expect

  • Scalable ServiceTailor the support to your specific needs, ensuring a personalized approach that suits you.
  • Personalized Case Management Each case receives personal attention from a dedicated case manager, ensuring an individualized approach.
  • Transparent PricingExperience clear and straightforward pricing, eliminating surprises and providing financial clarity.
  • Professional Excellence Benefit from the highest standards of professionalism in our work, ensuring your peace of mind and the best possible outcomes.
  • Access to Resources Tap into our extensive professional network of resources, opening doors to opportunities and comprehensive support.
  • Lasting Assurance Choose Corporate Guardians with confidence, as our enduring commitment means our agency is here for the long haul—providing consistent, reliable support without concerns about lapse in care.

Questions about Case Management?

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Guardianship Power of Attorney Personal Rep Property Management Case Management Supported Decision Making