Our Services


Guardianship of person, estate, or both is our core service.

Corporate Guardians' core business is guardianship. Our fully staffed social service and finance departments provide a specialized and collaborative approach to each guardianship case, in most cases dedicated at least 2 guardianship representatives to every guardianship case.

When our agency is appointed Guardian of Person, we assist with decisions regarding health care, daily living, residential options, education and employment plans, social interactions, and all duties associated with chapter 54.25 of Wisconsin State Statutes.

As Guardian of Estate, our agency assists with decisions regarding finances, budgeting, benefit applications, and annual reviews for government funded programs such as social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, purchasing and selling of property and all duties associated with Ch 54.19 and 54.20 of Wisconsin State Statutes.

Questions about Guardianship?

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Over the last decade, Karl's daughter has observed him having a harder time managing his finances, appointments, and day to day tasks. She's been trying to be Karl's' care provider, but misses just being able to be his daughter.

Guardianship Power of Attorney Personal Rep Property Management Case Management Supported Decision Making